About Institute

BEPZA Public School & College Chattogram was established on 15 March, 1999 with a view to providing better and modern education to the children of the workers, officials and employees working in CEPZ (Chattogram Export Processing Zone), the largest EPZ established by the BEPZA. Though initially it was a primary school, secondary school activities were introduced in 2000. Later in the following year-2001 higher secondary education was introduced along with primary and high school.

The infrastructural development works have been going on since its inception. The campus covers four acres including three building: administartive building, school building and college building and a vast play ground. There are fifty eight class rooms. Construction work of another five-storied building is under process. There are also plan of constructing science building, liberal arts building, commerce building, gymnasium, hostel and residents for the teachers by turn.

Contact Address:
BEPZA Public School & College,Chattogram EPZ,
Chattogram EPZ, EPZ-4223, Chattogram, Bangladesh
Email-01: bepzacollege@yahoo.com
Email-02: bepzacollegectg@gmail.com
Phone: 0241-340-122 (Principal), 01813-943-461 (Accounts), 01722-898-110 (Admin)

College Section Contact: School Section Contact:
01819-748-281 (College Coordinator) 01813-268-350 (Asst. Headmaster)


College Section School Section
01918-349-228 (Convenor 2024-2025),

01876-287-387 (Convenor 2023-2024),

01818-085135 (Convenor 2022-2023)

01813-268-350 (School Admission)
